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Choosing Divorce, Divorce Litigation, and Divorce Mediation – Taking Stock of Your Options, Part 8
This post is the final installment in an 8 part series on choosing divorce, divorce litigation, and divorce mediation. If you haven’t already read parts 1-7 I recommend you do before continuing.
Preparing for divorce mediation
In parts 4 and 5 we discussed preparing for divorce generally, but what about preparing for divorce mediation? If you believe your divorce is a good fit for mediation, there are some specific things you’ll want to consider.
Let’s take a look at some tips for preparing for divorce mediation:
Come to the table in good faith – try to get on the same page as much as you can with your soon to be ex. It’s a good idea for you both to understand the benefits of mediation, and what the costs will be if your mediation is unsuccessful.
Do your research and your homework – in divorce mediation, all of the organization is up to you. There will be no formal discovery, no depositions. Work together with your spouse as much as you can to assemble a picture of your financial household, childcare routine, and other parts of your life.
Know where your priorities are – identify where you agree and what causes the biggest fights. Each partner should decide which issues are the most important to them and what outcome they want to achieve.
Research your mediator and get started – unlike attorneys, there isn’t a cohesive licensing and governing body for mediators. Almost anyone can call themselves a mediator. Because of this, mediators vary widely in terms of experience and qualifications. Make sure you choose a mediator with the right background and skills.
Divorce mediation and litigation with Don Harris
Don Harris has over two decades of experience in both divorce litigation and divorce mediation. He is also a member of the International Association of Collaborative Professionals and the New Mexico Collaborative Practice Group. Whether you think your case is a candidate for uncontested divorce, divorce mediation, or collaborative divorce, or are looking to begin a litigated divorce, Don has what it takes to make sure your and your family’s best interests are protected.