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People often think the decision to get divorced is the end.

In some ways, it is – the end of an era, the end of one phase of a relationship. But really, the decision to get divorced is just the beginning. Even if both parties agree divorce is their best option, it is still important they recognize that they’ve only taken the first step down a long road. Before diving headlong into the divorce process, there are a few factors couples should consider.

Completing Divorce

Are You Emotionally Ready for Divorce?

Many people seek divorce because they are fed up with their marriages. They may have financial or behavioral grievances with their spouse, or they may simply believe their love for the other person has died. Sometimes one party may use divorce as a threat, but going into it with this kind of adversarial mindset can be a dangerous proposition. It’s important that you don’t base your decision on emotional reaction, as this will make for a raw, bitter battle.

Are You Physically Ready for Divorce?

Have you done a full accounting of your assets as a couple? Do you have a will? Do you have a copy of your most recent tax returns ready? If you have children, have you considered the logistics of joint custody, or whether you plan to push for full custody? Having all of the necessary documentation on hand before you visit a lawyer will save you time and money. It’s also important to avoid any vague language in your divorce agreement or in dealing with your spouse. You may be on good terms now, but you don’t want to end up in a protracted argument later on because of nebulous language. On a more personal level, if you don’t close the door completely on the idea of reconciliation, you may find yourself in a painful cycle of doubt about your decision.

Once you commit yourself to divorce, decide what your goals are, and assemble the necessary documents, it’s critical that you speak with a good divorce lawyer. An experienced specialist will streamline the process substantially, and help you avoid pitfalls you didn’t even know existed. Don’t try to go it alone, as the consequences could be severe and follow you for the rest of your life.


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