Real Property
Any interest in real estate including your family residence, vacation home, timeshare, vacant land, etc.
Furniture & Personal Effects
List separately only major personal effects such as jewelry, collections, antiques, furs, and all other valuable non-business personal property (indicate type below and give a lump sum value for miscellaneous, less valuable items.).
Automobiles, Boats, & RVs
For each motor vehicle, boat, RV, etc. please list the following: description, how titled, market value and encumbrance:
Bank Accounts
Checking Account “CA”, Savings Account “SA”, Certificates of Deposit “CD”, Money Market “MM” (indicate type below).
Do not include IRAs or 401(k)s here
Life Insurance Policies & Annuities
Term, whole life, split dollar, group life, annuity. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Insurance company, type, face amount (death benefit), whose life is insured, who owns the policy, the current beneficiaries, who pays the premium, and who is the life insurance agent.
Retirement Plans
Pension (P), Profit Sharing (PS), H.R. 10, IRA, SEP, 401(K). ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Describe the type of plan, the plan name, the current value of the plan, and any other pertinent information.
Business Interests
General and Limited Partnerships, Sole Proprietorships, privately-owned corporations, professional corporations, oil interests, farm, and ranch interests. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Give a description of the interests, who has the interest, your ownership in the interests, and the estimated value of the interests.
Obviously your estate plan should address all your hopes, fears, and wishes. Please list any other items you want included or want to discuss: