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Couples Counseling Divorce

If only one spouse wants the divorce and the couple cannot have productive communication on the subject, then it’s much more likely it will devolve into a bitter, prolonged battle. It’s also important to note that New Mexico, like almost all other states, has no fault divorce.

Divorce Litigation Stress 2

So, how can you know if you’re ready for divorce? And, more importantly, if you’re prepared to handle the process as smoothly as possible? Let’s take a look at some questions to help people determine if they’re ready for divorce.

Divorce Stress

Divorce is stressful. Depending on which experts and surveys you look at, it’s often ranked as the #2 most traumatic life experience Americans go through, second only to the death of a family member. There are a number of things that make it so stressful.

Divorce Law 2

Divorce mediation is another method of divorce that avoids the time and expense of court proceedings. In a mediated divorce, the couple will hire a neutral mediator to facilitate the negotiation of their divorce. The mediator may be a lawyer, but if they are, they may not have a client relationship with either spouse.

Divorce Law

In New Mexico, we have what is known as unilateral no fault divorce. This means that anyone who wants a divorce can get one, no matter what their reason is or if their spouse also wants the divorce. As long as one party sees irreconcilable differences, the divorce will proceed.

Completing Divorce

In some ways, it is – the end of an era, the end of one phase of a relationship. But really, the decision to get divorced is just the beginning. Even if both parties agree divorce is their best option, it is still important they recognize that they’ve only taken the first step down a long road.

Husband and wife arguing

Having a divorce case resolved in court is expensive, time consuming, and gives up control of most decisions about your life to a third party. It is much, much better to work out differences with a mediator or negotiator if you and your spouse are unable to agree.

Man Sitting Under a tree reading a book

Almost all divorces (but certainly not all!) end with some bitterness, sense of loss, sense of failure and regret. There is not much good that comes after the divorce is final. If you have been married for many years, you are in certain habits, and used to living a certain way – like which side of the bed you sleep on!

Don Harris

So you have had a car accident, or you are arguing with your neighbor, or maybe you are working on your estate planning – how do you know when you need a lawyer to help?

Lipstick stain on a shirt

So you caught your spouse cheating and now you want to file for divorce. In the eyes of the laws, a spouse having a sexual relationship outside the marriage is adultery. At New Mexico Financial Law, we have helped in many of these cases.

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