Have you seen all the stories in the news, social media and internet circles about separating couples including their pet in their divorce decrees and pet custody arrangements. Couples fight over their pets like they fight over their children. Unfortunately, often, especially when there is no legal dissolution due to marriage, a pet is viewed by the courts as property.
The conversation on pet custody in relation to a divorce decree can proceed as the couple and their agents and mediators find best. If the divorce goes through court hearings, there is not currently a national or statewide precedent for assigning pet custody. There are, however, judges sprinkled around the country who have made decisions based on “the best interest of the pet.” This is the same consideration participation in mediation will present.
Determine how important your pet is in the scheme of things and decide what other property you may be willing to sacrifice in a compromise.
If you are not able to come to a mutual agreement before proceedings or mediation be sure your attorney understand how important your pet is.
If your pet is important enough to arrange for pet custody, get your ducks in a row, get custody of your best friend!
Call now to schedule your consultation 505.503.1637