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New Mexico

Leading Financial and Family Law Attorneys


After the Divorce

After the Divorce

Almost all divorces (but certainly not all!) end with some bitterness, sense of loss, sense of failure and regret. There is not much good that comes after the divorce is final. If you have been married for many years, you are in certain habits, and used to living a certain way – like which side of the bed you sleep on!

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Debts Not Covered in a Bankruptcy

Debts Not Covered in a Bankruptcy

A common question in our office is which debts are covered by a bankruptcy proceeding and which are not. There are definitely some debts that are unable to be discharged in and filing.

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When to Hire a Lawyer

When to Hire a Lawyer

So you have had a car accident, or you are arguing with your neighbor, or maybe you are working on your estate planning – how do you know when you need a lawyer to help?

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Is Bankruptcy Bad?

Is Bankruptcy Bad?

The short answer to the question “Is bankruptcy bad” is no. When a lender borrows money, they are gambling that the borrower can not only repay the debt – but also that the borrower is going to pay them a fee for doing so.

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Collaborative Divorce vs Mediated Divorce

Collaborative Divorce vs Mediated Divorce

In a previous article, we provided a definition of collaborative divorce as an agreement between the spouses and their lawyers that they will all meet to discuss and work through the any divorce issues thus saving the costs and issues with a court.

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Collaborative Divorce

Collaborative Divorce

In the simplest terms, a collaborative divorce is an agreement between the spouses and their lawyers that they will all meet to discuss and work through the any divorce issues thus saving the costs and issues with a court.

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Becoming Debt Free

Becoming Debt Free

People that are debt free are happier, less stressed, more free and generally in a better place than those encumbered by debt. In 2015 most sources say the average U.S. household with debt carries $15,762 in credit card debt and $130,922 in total debt. Ouch.

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Incompatibility in New Mexico Divorce Law

Incompatibility in New Mexico Divorce Law

So you caught your spouse cheating and now you want to file for divorce. In the eyes of the laws, a spouse having a sexual relationship outside the marriage is adultery. At New Mexico Financial Law, we have helped in many of these cases.

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Collaborative Law in New Mexico

Collaborative Law in New Mexico

Collaborative Law is designed to resolve family and other disputes, without the aid of the courts, in a fair and respectable manner. Both parties hire their own Family Lawyers to advise and assist in negotiating an agreement.

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All about Contract Disputes

All about Contract Disputes

If there in one thing essential to businesses it is contracts. Contracts are the glue that hold together deals, agreements, and understandings between partners, other businesses. Contracts hold people accountable and when they are breached, real damage can be done.

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